List With Us

Put First United Realty and Management to work for you!

Realtor/Brokers in North Carolina and South Carolina!

In today’s very complicated Real Estate Market, It is important to have someone looking out for you!

Do you know the difference between REO, Foreclosure, Pre-foreclosure, HUD, Short sale, bank approved short sale or any of the other terms that are flooding the Real Estate market these days?

WE DO! And we can help!


  • Did you know that whether you are represented by an experienced Real Estate Broker/Realtor or not, you are expected to comply with several state and federal regulations when selling your own property?
  • Did you know that employing a Real Estate Broker/Realtor to work for you exposes your home to more than 6,000 additional Realtors in our area? Now that’s great exposure!

As a seller CLIENT you are entitled to:

  1. Undivided Loyalty and obedience
  2. Accounting
  3. Full Disclosure of information
  4. Honesty
  5. Skill, care, and diligence
  6. Confidentiality (forever)

Please read this pamphlet for more information on the different types of agency and what it can do for you:  Working with Real Estate Agents

Call (704)540-0700 or E-Mail us for more details.